By That Other Fish

Lard Chowder Plushie


0 out of 200 goal

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"This is Lard Chowder. He has the strength of two bears!".

Lard Chowder is one of the strongest penguins known to penguinkind, famous for his "strength of two bears", but don't let that scare you - he also has the kindness of two bears.

While it may seem that he only cares about being strong, he does bring a softer side as well. His strong affinity for poetry, and the compassion he shares for his friends.

But lets not forget his dashing sense of fashion. A fluffy and rustic fur hat, a gold medal to signify his confidence, and a belt to carry his tools for when he works as a handyguin.

So, will you invite Lard Chowder to your home?

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icon truck icon truck PRE-ORDER: Shipped By July 28
icon arrows icon arrows Height: 19.5cm
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